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Giving It Back & Paying It Forward Susan G. Komen - Battling Breast Cancer

From patients bravely battling disease to the visionaries searching for cures, be inspired by their stories and learn how your gift makes an impact.

This photo show an open hands towards a ribbon


Giving back to our community is our goal whenever we buy and sell real estate.

Every year we donate a portion of our income from real estate transactions to worthy cause organizations we support just like Susan G. Komen.

Please take a moment to learn about one of the charities that has touched our lives.


This photo shows Susan G Komen logo

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away

Angelica Roa: A Story of Resilience and Hope in battling breast cancer

This photo shows a cancer survivor

Angelica Roa's story is a beacon of hope and resilience in battling breast cancer as a mother, she show us the power of positive attitude and the importance of cherishing every moment.  Read the full article here. 

Angelica Roa - Survivor

Breast Cancer Survival Rates in the U.S.

This Photo shows woman in pink battling cancer

Breast cancer survival depends on a person’s diagnosis and treatment.

A main factor in survival is breast cancer stage. People with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) or early-stage invasive breast cancer have a better chance of survival than those with later-stage breast cancers.

Measures of survival

There are different measures of survival including overall survival, breast cancer-specific survival, relative survival and population survival.

When you see a survival rate, it’s important to understand the differences between these measures. For example, breast cancer-specific survival is described below.

Breast cancer-specific survival rates

Disease-specific survival rates, such as breast cancer-specific survival, show the percentage of people who have not died from the disease over a certain period of time after diagnosis.

Five-year breast cancer-specific survival shows the percentage of people who have not died from breast cancer 5 years after diagnosis. These rates vary by breast cancer stage. Click here to read the full article.

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Why Michael is Paying It Forward

Eighteen years ago, life presented an unexpected challenge to Michael and his wife, Brook, in the form of a breast cancer diagnosis. Witnessing Brook's resilience and enduring spirit as she continues to thrive after nearly two decades serves as a poignant testament to the importance of research, awareness, and community support. Driven by this deeply personal connection, Michael has become an ardent supporter of the Susan G. Komen organization. Their mission resonates with him profoundly, reminding him of the battles countless individuals face daily and the hope that organizations like Susan G. Komen bring to them. Every effort Michael dedicates to this cause is a tribute to Brook's journey and a beacon of hope for countless others touched by breast cancer.

Brook is Still Raising Funds for the Susan G. Komen!

There's still time to donate to Brook's next 3-Day walk for a cure with Susan G. Komen! Please help support her by contributing.

Refer your family, friends & colleagues!

Who do you know considering buying or selling a home you could refer to our real estate sales team? Not only will they benefit from our award-winning real estate service, but a very worthy cause will benefit as well. Give us a call at 925-351-4924!


This photo shows michael forkas

About Michael Forkas: Michael Forkas is not your typical real estate agent. After building a successful real estate development company, he pivoted his career to provide unmatched service to homeowners. Michael stands by his promise: "Your Home SOLD Guaranteed or I'll Buy it at a Price YOU Agree to!" He won't sell you a home he wouldn't buy himself, ensuring a trademarked approach that guarantees satisfaction and success.

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Content by Forkas Home Team Walnut Creek Realtors

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